The SpooOoooOooktober update is rolling out now for all supported platforms! This update is haunted by a new fearsome vehicle: Raider! Coming up is also new menacing Masteries and more!

- New vehicle: Raider
- Spooktastic Vehicle Masteries for Hill Climber, Motocross, CC-EV and Beast
- Upgraded eerie vibes by 2x
- Cup win streaks
- Win at least 2 cups in a row to activate the win streak
- Gain bonus trophy road rank, improve the Victory Chest rewards and show off your cup mastery
- Cuptown house floor planks creakiness increased by 1.25%
- Mega Chest reward multiplier
- Reach the end of the reward path daily to increase the reward multiplier
- Added extra roll of toilet paper for mummies
- Adjusted zombie crawling ergonomy
- Fixed Moonlander occasionally losing air control in dome mode
- Fixed Nitro activation releasing pedal touches
- Various bug fixes